Aug 08, 2018 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 1262 views
Thank You Coach Jim!
The North Halton Twisters would like to
thank Jim Emmett of Pro Tech Hockey Academy for his dedication to our
organization over the last three years. Coach Jim played an instrumental role
in developing our Rep level players and coaches during our weekly TPHS training
sessions. In addition, he held many houseleague and DS level programs to help
develop players at all levels of our organization. Coach Jim made an immediate
impact on our organization and throughout the last 3 seasons he has drastically
improved the technical abilities of our players, from skating strength to
fundamental skills of shooting and passing.
Throughout Jim’s tenure with the Twisters organization our Rep level teams have significantly improved with record level tournament wins and outstanding results at the annual Provincial Championship Weekend.
The Twisters would like to congratulate Jim as he has decided to pursue other opportunities. Unfortunately for us, that means that we have to say goodbye to Coach Jim and as an organization we wish him all the best with his new opportunity.
The Twisters organization have significantly benefitted from having a strong development program and we are currently working on the next generation of this program for our players. Stay tuned for more on development over the upcoming weeks……