Midget AA vs. Team China - November 16th, News (North Halton Girls Hockey Association)

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Nov 11, 2018 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 1652 views
Midget AA vs. Team China - November 16th
The North Halton Twisters Midget AA team will be hosting the 5th Annual Team China game against Team Quiquihar on Friday November 16th at 7:00 on Alcott Pad at Mold Masters Arena.

Team Quiquihar is made up of current and potential future Chinese National Team players. Hosting Team China is a special day for everyone involved, parents, players, coaches and the whole Twister organization. The friendly rivalry between the two teams stands at 3 wins versus 2 losses in favour of the Chinese, with a series split last year. These games serve as a highlight for many of the Twisters players.

“For the first five or six minutes, our girls are typically in awe because you’re playing against national team players, including some that have been to world championships and Olympics,” said Midget AA Head Coach Tracey Cameron. “But after that you hear the girls on the bench say, “Hey, we’re as good as they are!”. The game is played under a strict protocol that includes national level referees, a pre-game snack shared by both teams, opening ceremonies and a joint post-game meal.

The festivities will begin in the pre-game hospitality lounge at 5:00 in the Alcott Hall. The night will also include many of the tried and true favourites like a mini game featuring our Novice B Team during the first intermission, a puck toss during the second intermission and a 50/50 draw along with a few new twists, so come early.

Everyone attending the game will be entered into a raffle to win a pair of Toronto Maple Leaf tickets!
