Apr 17, 2019 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 2454 views
The North Halton Twisters are excited for the upcoming tryouts!
The North Halton Twisters are excited for
the upcoming tryouts! Our organization is excited to announce AA level teams at
all age groups and a record number of teams for the upcoming season!! We look
forward to continuing to grow with our current players, welcoming back past
players and introducing new players to the Twisters organization. Please join
us next week beginning on Tuesday April 23rd for the start of our
tryout season.
Below is a listing of the teams that we have scheduled for the
2019/2020 season:
Midget AA
Midget A
Midget B/BB
Bantam AA
Bantam A – Major Focus
Bantam A – Minor Focus
Bantam B
Peewee AA
Peewee A
Peewee B/BB
Peewee B
Atom AA
Atom A
Atom B
Novice A