North Halton Girls Hockey Association Scholarship Program, News (North Halton Girls Hockey Association)

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Mar 02, 2020 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 920 views
North Halton Girls Hockey Association Scholarship Program
The North Halton Girls’ Hockey Association is pleased to announce the launch of their Scholarship Program.  The Twisters will award 2 - $500 scholarships on an annual basis to qualified Midget aged players. One award will be assigned to each of the House League and the Rep Divisions.

Eligibility Criteria:
A player is eligible to apply for a scholarship when she:
• Has played a minimum of 2 consecutive years within the North Halton Girls’ Association
• Is registered in either House League or Rep Midget division with the North Halton Girls’ Hockey Association in       the application season.
• Has obtained her high school diploma or is in her graduating year at high school
• Is, or will be, enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution the fall following the scholarship award
• Maintains a high academic standing in a secondary institution.
• Is accepted and meets all standards required of the post-secondary institution of choice.
• Has not been awarded a club scholarship in a previous year.

Information required:
1. An essay (between 500 and 750 words) outlining your contribution to hockey, involvement in the community,      volunteer involvements and what hockey has meant to you.
2. Letter of reference from your school (teacher or principal) on school letterhead.
3. Letter of reference from your coach (current or prior) or affiliated organization.
4. A current copy of your school transcripts.

Your scholastic achievement, your contribution to hockey and your community involvement will be weighed in the decision to award the scholarship.

Application deadline is April 30th.

Please submit all applications to: [email protected] with the email subject: NHGHA 2020 Scholarship Application – YOUR NAME 