Twisters Coronavirus Update, News (North Halton Girls Hockey Association)

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Jul 12, 2020 | K. Morrison-Edgar | 1518 views
Twisters Coronavirus Update
While we miss seeing you around the rink, the health, safety and well-being of our extended hockey community remains our priority. The North Halton Twisters would like to thank all of the front line workers who are in our family for all that you are doing during these difficult times. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been taking our directive from Hockey Canada, the Ontario Women's Hockey Association (OWHA) and the Town of Halton Hills and Milton.  At this point in time, we are not in a position to open registration for the 2020/2021 season, nor can we establish a timeline for Rep level tryouts.  We are in communication with Hockey Canada and the OWHA and will update our membership as more information becomes available. In a recent communication from the OWHA (see link below), they state that we will be permitted to open player registration shortly, but there will be certain guidelines regarding their return to play structure. As we await further direction from the OWHA, we are working alongside The Towns of Halton Hills and Milton to help develop a reopening plan for their ice rinks that will ensure our players safety.  One thing we are certain of, the upcoming hockey season will look a lot different than years past. We appreciate your patience as we work with all of the governing bodies to develop a return to play structure that creates a healthy and safe experience for all Twister players and families.  

For the latest information see the links below: 
Hockey Canada:

Ontario Women's Hockey Association:  