Aug 12, 2020 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 1656 views
2020-2021 Intent to Play Registration
Intent to Play Registration
is open!! If you intend to play with the Twisters during the 2020-2021 Season,
it is important that you register as soon as possible. This is the first step in order to participate
in any programs with the NHGHA during the 2020-2021 hockey season. Completing
the Intent to Play Registration will help us determine ice requirements and how
best to structure our programs.
There are no fees attached to the intent
to play registration.
There is a new registration system called RAMP for girls’ hockey this year. The steps to complete your intent to play registration are outlined below followed by the registration link.
- Click on "create a new account" and enter an email address and password. You will then be automatically redirected to sign into this new account.
- Register your player(s) using 'Participant'.
- Add a family member and then enter your player's information (HCRID is not required).
- Choose a Division:
FUNdamentals (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
U7 Fundamentals – Tyke (2014, 2015, 2016)
U9 - Novice (2012, 2013)
U11 – Atom (2010, 2011)
U13 – Peewee (2008, 2009)
U15 – Bantam (2006, 2007)
U18 – Midget (2003, 2004, 2005)
U22 – Intermediate (2000, 2001, 2002) Plays in U18 House League
Senior House Over 19 (2000 and older)
- Choose your package House League or Competitive (Rep) - If you were planning to tryout for any rep team please select the Competitive option
- Waivers – Each box must be electronically signed, then tick that you are of the age of majority and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Enter Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact information.
- Enter player’s years of hockey experience and preferred position.
- Confirm details and submit. This player will be confirmed as registered, and you will get a confirmation message on the screen as well as a confirmation email.
- If you have another player to register, add another family member under participant and follow the same steps or select REGISTER from the menu on the left side of the page.
Use this link to register REGISTER NOW