Sep 14, 2020 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 922 views
Rep Teams
The Twisters are very excited about returning to the ice! All of our Rep team rosters are now complete and it was fantastic to see our AA teams back on the ice last week! Congratulations to all players who were selected to one of our teams for the upcoming season!! Any questions regarding the rep team selection process can be sent to our Rep Director Jay Moorehead at
[email protected].
We now focus our attention over to preparing for the upcoming House League season. For those of you who completed your intent to play competitive registration on the Ramp system, it will now automatically be switched to house league if you were not selected for one of our Rep teams. If you do not intend to play house league with us this season, please let us know as soon as possible at [email protected].
If you haven't already completed your intent to register and you are looking to play house league this season, please sign up as soon as possible!!