Twister Day Pink the Rink Event, News (North Halton Girls Hockey Association)

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Dec 08, 2021 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 916 views
Twister Day Pink the Rink Event
Dear Twister players, families and visiting teams, 

The Twisters have taken the difficult decision to pause our Twister Day Pink the Rink event this weekend in light of the uncertainty caused by rising Covid cases and the new Omicron variant. As an Association, the safety and well being of our players and community is very important to us and we decided now was not the right time to hold an event with so many teams potentially mixing. 

We take pride in the fact that all of our Twister players and teams have undertaken a community act of giving and would still like to showcase all of your efforts. Please send us your photos and descriptions and we will post them on our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts. We look forward to seeing your contributions to our community. If any of your visiting teams are participating, please also send in this information as we celebrate how the game of hockey gives back. To kick start the giving, the Twisters are pleased to announce that we will be donating $1000.00 to Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills (CasHH).


Photos and descriptions can be emailed to [email protected] and [email protected]


Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to returning next year to our regular Twister Day Pink the Rink Event festivities. 


Kim Morrison-Edgar on behalf of the North Halton Girls Hockey Association
