NHGHA HL Tentative Start Up Dates
*subject to change until numbers are confirmed*
Our HL program will kick off with 2 skates, (by last name) they will be on Sunday September 17, 2023 and Saturday September 23rd, 2023 (your group and time will be communicated to you, by Wednesday September 13th, 2023 via email. If an email is not received after this date please contact [email protected]
September 24th, 2023 will be our NHGHA HL Evaluation Day. Coaches will be performing the player draft following the evaluations and sending your TeamSnap invite by September 28th, 2023.
Your first team practice will be September 30th and first game will be October 1st.
Fundamentals will start - Saturday September 23rd , 2023
Tyke Georgetown will start - Sunday September 24th , 2023
Tyke Milton will start - Wednesday September 27th , 2023
Program will start September 17th , 2023 with a modified program before local league starts.
NHGHA Tentative Game/Practice Time
*subject to change until numbers are confirmed*
Saturdays at 12:15pm - Georgetown
Tyke Georgetown
Sunday at 1:30pm - Georgetown
Wednesdays at 6:00pm - Milton
Saturdays 8:30am and 9:30am - Milton
Sunday 8:15am and 9:15 am - Georgetown
Saturdays 9:30am and 10:30am - Milton
Sundays 10:15am and 11:15 am - Georgetown
Saturdays 2:30pm and 3:30pm - Milton
Sundays 12:15pm and 1:15 pm - Georgetown
Saturdays 2:0pm and 3:00pm - Milton
Sundays 4:15pm and 5:15 pm - Georgetown
Sundays 6:15pm and 8:15 pm - Georgetown (U18 will also have an additional away game as part of local league play, usually during the week)
WATCH OUT FOR DS TRYOUTS! - Week of November 1st
NHGHA FALL FEST HL TOURNAMNET - November 17th to 19th 2023
NHGHA TWISTER DAY - December 10th, 2023
NHGHA CLOSING DAY - March 3rd, 2024