Several times throughout the year the NHGHA opens up their online apparel store for ordering. Spring, Fall, Christmas are when the store generally opens. You will receive an email from your team manager if you are a Twisters Rep Player or the House League Director when the store is open.
We will also have a special vendors at our Rush Rep Tournament in September and our House League Tournament in November with apparel offerings.
If you have any questions related to NHGHA apparel please contact: [email protected]
Also as a reminder please adhere to our Use of Logo Policy found below.
The use of the name North Halton Girls Hockey and Twisters Girls Hockey are part of the Association’s incorporation as an Ontario not for profit business. The logo is also protected and cannot be used for any purpose unless specific written permission is granted from the Twister Executive Committee. Such permission can be granted ONLY to approved vendors for the purpose for which it was intended such as merchandise, clothing, team sweaters or awards.