Rep Team Tryouts, News (North Halton Girls Hockey Association)

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Aug 26, 2021 | Carolyn Tegelaar | 1995 views
Rep Team Tryouts
The Twisters are excited to begin the 2021/2022 season this fall!

We will begin hosting tryouts for select teams in our Rep program this September, and the schedule is below. There will not be a fee for participating in tryouts this season. In an effort to maintain acceptable levels of participants, we encourage you to only attend tryouts for teams that you wish to play for and feel are at the level of your playing abilities.

We encourage you to contact the appropriate coach if you have questions or would like to let them know that you plan to attend.

New this year is the introduction of the Pathways program for Novice and Atom players. As you will see from the schedule attached, there are general skates prior to tryouts. These are designed to help players get into game shape and be ready for tryouts. These skates are open to all players and will be run by the coaches for each level.

All players not registered with the North Halton Girls Hockey Association for the 2021-2022 season must register in the "Rep Tryout" category through Ramp for their appropriate age division. We welcome skaters from other associations to our tryouts, however in order to participate, you must register for tryouts and you are required to present a permission to skate form signed by your previous organization before you will be permitted on the ice. 

Click here to register for tryouts Ramp Registration

Good luck to all of those who plan to tryout for a team this season. We look forward to seeing you around the rink!

